Conference Coverage: 2023 Precision Oncology Summit

We are excited to bring the conference coverage/highlights from the highly anticipated “2023 Precision Oncology Summit” that is taking place this weekend in the vibrant city of San Francisco. This important event features leading experts, researchers, and innovators from the field of oncology who discuss the latest advancements in precision medicine.

Meet the authors

Hannah Abrams, MD (she/her) is a fellow in Hematology/Oncology at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and the University of Washington. She is originally from Houston, Texas, and completed her MD at Baylor College of Medicine before completing Internal Medicine residency at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Dr-rianoIvy Riano, MD (she/her) is the Research Chief Fellow in the Hematology and Oncology Fellowship program at Dartmouth Cancer Center. Dr. Riano’s research interests include the development of novel immunotherapeutic combinations for patients with lung cancer, and the application of approaches to 

overcome resistance to immunotherapy. 

dr-khanAbdul Moiz Khan, MD (he/his) is the Chief Fellow of the Hematology and Oncology fellowship program at Karmanos Cancer Institute / Wayne State University. His areas of interest include malignant and classical hematology, with a strong focus on myeloid malignancies and medical education.

dr-abualiInas Abuali, MD, FACP (she/her) is a physician at the Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center and Instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She specializes in the care of hospitalized patients. She is a member of the BTF Education Academy.

Highlights from the 2023 Precision Oncology Summit

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