Opportunity for Fellows and Early Career Oncologists to Co-Author Conference Proceeding Publications at the 2023 Summit on Cancer Health Disparities

Senior Fellows and Early Career Oncologists Interested in Cancer Health Disparities are Encouraged to Apply

Interested in being mentored by oncologists and writing conference summaries for publication in a peer-reviewed journal? Apply for this amazing opportunity that will provide experience in publishing, free admission to one of the largest cancer health disparities meetings, and a $500 honorarium!

One senior fellow or oncologist will be selected to work under the mentorship of the session chairs and other session speakers to draft the conference session proceedings. Conference speakers will act as co-authors, with the fellow as the first author and the session chair as the senior author. Email: [email protected] with your CV to apply. The application deadline is January 15, 2023.

The conference proceedings article, once complete, will be published in the International Journal of Cancer Care & Delivery (IJCCD).

The guidelines are as follows:
• Completion deadline – June 1st, 2022 (~4 weeks after the conference)
• Manuscripts must be submitted in a single word document, with 12-point font (Arial) and double line spacing
• Word limit- 2000 words
• Abstract- 250-word limit
• Take home point – three to five bulleted sentences to highlight the take-home messages
• One figure and/or one table can be included. Figures and tables can be submitted as separate attachments or with the manuscript in the same word document after the reference section. Tables should have at least ½ inch margins on both sides, a title, and appropriate footnotes. All figures must have a figure legend and a resolution of 300 dpi or higher. Standard formats are accepted. However, TIFF, JPEG, EPS, and PDF are preferred. Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color. Figure legends should be placed at the end of the main body of the manuscript before the reference section
• Reference style – AMA style
• Please visit the Journal website for other instructions for authors.


The Binaytara Foundation is a global cancer non-profit dedicated to improving access to cancer care in the United States and abroad through education and innovative program models that break down barriers and advance best practices in hematology and oncology. Binaytara Foundation’s major projects include hematology and oncology conferences, and the establishment of a cancer hospital in Nepal. Donate here to change lives!

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