The 2022 Summit on Cancer Health Disparities will be held in Seattle

The Binaytara Foundation will host the 2022 Summit on cancer Health Disparities (#SCHD22) in Seattle, WA on April 29 to May 1, 2022. This CME accredited cancer disparity conference with the slogan – “moving from challenges to solutions” aims to focus on fostering collaboration, information exchange, and practical solutions that help to minimize cancer disparities.

In addition to lecture, panel discussions, and plenary sessions, SCHD22 will include abstract presentation sessions to share latest research and developments in an effort to improve equitable access to cancer care.

Watch Dr. Aparna Parikh of Harvard University talk about this oncology conference and why one should attend this conference in Seattle.

This conference also features a session on breast cancer disparities sponsored by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF). Faculty for this session will include globally renowned breast oncologists such as Dr. Julie Gralow, Dr. Ophira Ginsberg, Dr. Ben Anderson, Dr. Edith Mitchell and many others. Watch the vide by Dr. Dorrayah El-ashry below to learn more about the breast cancer session at the 2022 Summit on Cancer Health Disparities.

The 2022 Summit on Cancer Health Disparities is designed as a forum for learning, networking and information exchange among stakeholders representing the spectrum of cancer care delivery. Attendees and faculty will include community oncologists, academic oncologists, oncology nurses, pharmacist, disparity researchers, patient advocates, oncology professional societies, patient advocacy organization representatives, government representatives, and industry representatives.

Individuals interested in attending the conference can register online on the Binaytara Foundation Education Academy. If you need accommodations, we have negotiated a discounted rate for conference attendees at the Grand Hyatt Seattle.


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